Thursday, April 15, 2010

Google Docs

Google Docs is something that interested me when I initally did the training. I did attempt to use it with a group project but either the members didn't want to use it or it was blocked by IT at Councils.

I have had another look at Google Docs and could see myself using it in everyday life. With using a computer at home and a netbook for when I am not there. I am keeping files on a USB that I could be keeping on Google Docs.

I especially like that I can access Google Docs and work offline. Sometimes I don't always have Internet access or don't want it open. I like that I can colour code files especially as I would have multiple folders for work, uni (broken into subjects) etc. I can sync it with work I have already done in Office. It will also help with Block Quotes in university assignments.

Bring on me using Google Docs.

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