Thursday, December 17, 2009


We have started to use a Ning in our Learning 2.0 committee. We have looked at Mosman Readers and found it to be an effective, well used and community based Ning.

I would think that Nings need to be promoted well to the customers to get the benefits out of them.

We have problems in our Committee that some staff have taken to it well and adopted it in their working day, while others are reluctant to use it and others are slowly learning it.

I think that for the best use it needs to revolve around a particular subject like Mosman Readers. It could be aimed at the book clubs that are run by the library and used as a tool for the customers to have discussions before and after the meetings. Suggest books to other members.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I have used survey monkey for personal and professional reasons. It is a product that is so easy to set up and get information back from. Don't know how we did surveys without it.

Google alerts is also a great product that we use at work. Provides information that we don't always know is out there.

Evaluation tools can be used to search twitter, youtube, flickr etc to find out what people are saying about you. Something that libraries years ago dreamed about but never had.

These tools are all easy to use and manipulate data out of. Are great to show what people think of you but never tell the libraries.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I must admit that I did subscribe to Delicious and I got all excited about it saved all my favourites from my home computer all ready to be accessed from where ever I am and yet I rarely go into it.

With the new subscriptions that I have learnt about I would use it a lot more. I can see how this information could be more beneficial to me and would make me open delicious a lot more to see the new and interesting sites coming in. I could very addicted to this just like I am with Twitter.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Twitter is one of my many web 2.0 fascinations. I don't go a couple of hours without checking my Twitter account. I will say that even though I checked my Twitter quiet regularily I am not a regular poster. I will reply to people but posting doesn't happen as often as I should.

I have twitter open while I am studying so that any new tweets that come through I get an alert using TweetDeck. Suppose to be studying yet I can always manage a few seconds to catch up on what is happening in the world.

I find twitter to be useful for somethings like getting the most up-to-date information on things like news. Alerting me to events happening in advance. Sometimes it is just nonsense information that I could probably live without and picture links that I don't necessarily need to see.

Would I delete my Twitter account? No way I like nonsense at times and the alerts and news is a great service.

Libraries who are using seem to use it as an alert service that customers who are aware of it can benefit from it. Customers who are savvy are then retweeting messages they think are important and the information is reaching more people than Libraries realise. Councils are know taking on the same role as libraries using Twitter.

Twitter is also a great way to find out if the customers are talking about us. Finding the feedback that some customers would never provide face-to-face.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Learning 2.1

I have not kept this blog up-to-date since the finish of the Learning 2.0 course. We did start a blog at work that I try to write on regularly.

Blogging is a way to get my thoughts out on the net and share different points of views that other bloggers might have shared with staff who read our blog.

My bloglines is used daily. I have expanded my feeds dramatically since the course. I am adding new blogs, reviewing the blogs I have subscribed to all the time. I like to keep up-to-date on these. For me my RSS feeds are like reading the newspaper or watching the news each night. They are a must miss a few days and you feel overwhelmed with the amount of things to read.

I comment on other blogs when I feel strongly about something. But not very often.